Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The "ROCKET MAN" Sir Elton John

It was....AWESOME! It was...AMAZING! I'm so glad I got tickets and got to go. I debated on whether to go earlier in the day. I took Ben to a hair cut at 10 in the morning and it was a disaster. Petri bird at Mary's had past away so there was nothing for him to sit and look at like last time. I had to hold his hands and head and he screamed the whole time. So his hair looks better but it's not very even! Anyway, I then drove to Tammy's and about half way there he started to stay "I want to go my house" over and over. I got him out of the truck and he felt warm and then Tammy took his temperature and it was 101.5 (that explained some the haircut fiasco) and he obviously did not want to be there, so we came home. Had some motrin and lunch but he won't go down for a nap. I tried for 3 hours. The motrin brought his temperature down but it didn't really take it away. But he was actually in pretty good spirits, despite a fever and no nap, so I decide to go. Sarah Kaufmann was watching him and she has lots of experience. Unfortunately she had wanted to sleep till we got home and he didn't go to bed or sleep really well. Anyway, it all worked out. Ben was fine, the concert was great. The weather held and it was an absolutely beautiful night. Perfect temperature, no rain (thank goodness). Our seats were OK, thanks in part to being right below one of the giant screens. We were up close in the front but way off to the right side so we couldn't see about a third of the stage. But the screen made up for it and it was just awesome. I had seen Elton when he and Billy Joel toured together. I can't remember who I saw him with but it was in Montreal in the big stadium up there and we were really far away. So it was so great to be so close to such a legend. I have loved his music forever and still do. But now I need to get back to work since I didn't get anything done yesterday. I just wanted to write down a few things while it was fresh in my mind. Go here for the online article about the concert on the Burlington Free Press website. Patty took some pictures with her camera phone but she wasn't sure how to get them to me. We took pictures of ourselves with the big screen and Elton behind us. If she figures it out, I'll be sure to post them on the blog! By the way, Ben is better today. His fever broke sometime after 3am because we both finally got some sleep from 3:30 am to 8:30 am. He still has the running nose and cold that he developed over the weekend but I can deal with that!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pass gas on the potty and "Nope, I'm good"

It's late and I really should be going to bed because I'm exhausted and Ben did not sleep well last night. He is cutting is two year molars! Yippee! Poor guy! But the funniest and cutest thing happened tonight and I just wanted to write it down before I forgot, which would be by morning I'm sure. After bath tonight, I asked him if he wanted to go to the bathroom on the potty, he was willing to sit on the big potty with the insert in and sit on the little potty. (But he didn't do anything) He loves to have a little square of toilet paper and he pretends to wipe then throws it in the big potty and wants to flush it. So I let him have a piece and when he asked for a second, I said he had to go in the potty first, so he scrunches all up and passes a little gas and then asks for some paper. So give it to him, thinking just a coincidence. Well he does it again! and again! At least four times! By the third time it's getting hard for him to squeeze out some gas, so his face is getting all scrunched up and working hard and I just couldn't help laughing out loud. It was so funny! And I'm sure a complete "you had to be there moment" but it was one I didn't want to forget so I'm typing away at the computer with my tired eyes all blurry just so I can record it and never forget it! Priceless!

On another note, today he started coming out with the phrase "nope, I'm good."

Me "Do you want to use the potty?"
Ben "Nope, I'm good"

Me "Do you want some more dinner?"
Ben "Nope, I'm good"

Me "Do you want to read another story?"
Ben "Nope, I'm good"

Me "Do you want to go to bed?"
Ben "Nope, I'm good."

:) It's the little moments that mean so much!

Hopefully an update of the last few month and weekends coming soon!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not getting much work done and cruisin' blogs

So I'm in the office but not getting much done (it's been a crazy couple of weeks..mostly self inflicted...more later) I'm cruisin' some of my favorite blogs because I haven't done that in forever. (Mostly because of internet outages over the last week. You don't realize how much you use it and need it until it's gone!) Anyway, I came across Jessica Spraque blog and she did a Photoshop Friday last week about photos editing. So I went up and got the camera and downloaded all of my photos off of it (255 in about a week and a half) and started viewing them and playing with them with the Photoshop Friday Photo Editing Tutorial. ShaZAM! is right. Take a look.

Before (This one is by far my favorite!)

Pretty Awesome! Anyway, I do have to go get some work done. More on our activities over the last couple of weeks soon!

A must see

If you haven't already heard about this or seen it, you really really must! Will definitely put a smile on your face!

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

I found the link on Ali Edwards. I love her blog! Anyway, in case the embed does work. Go here Dancing Matt 2008. More later!